Parasites are creatures that live on, in or around chickens. They can cause damage directly by disturbing the chickens and affecting their growth and egg production. They can also spread certain diseases. Parasites can occur inside the chicken (internal parasites e.g. worms) or on the outside of the chicken (external parasites e.g. lice, flies & mites). Birds get infested with these parasites when new chickens are brought on to the farm and by contact with each other

Lice : Chickens are mainly infested with biting lice. These can irritate chickens and as a result they do not grow well and produce fewer eggs. Biting lice spend their entire lives on chickens and can be found on the skin around the vent and on the breast and thighs. They feed on skin and feathers

Mites : There are different types of mites that affect chickens. They differ from lice in that they feed on the blood of chickens. As a result chickens do not grow very well. There are 3 important types of mites in chickens as

Red Mites : This are the large mites. It lives in cracks and crevices of chicken houses and feeds mainly at night, hence making it difficult to find during the day

Northern Fowl Mites : This are small mites, stays on the chicken all the time. When there are many of these mites present they can cause blackening of feathers because of mite droppings and mite eggs

Burrowing Mites : This mites lives on the chicken. It causes itching and even loss of feathers and/or excessive scaliness, which may lead to thickening and even deformation of the legs. It is important to know the differences between mites because they have different methods of control

Flies : Flies are usually a source of irritation to chickens, farmers and neighbours. They occur in warm places. They multiply in the bodies of dead animals and in the droppings of chickens

Bacteria begin colonizing chicken's intestines and cecae soon after hatch. The colonies begin to stabilize at around seven days post hatch (Lu, 2003). In the small intestine, comprised of the duodenum, ileum, and jejunum, the flora is a mix of anaerobes and aerobes. The microflora in the cecae is predominantly anaerobic. The types of microflora in the small intestine include Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Lactobacillus, and Escherichia coli, all of which are facultative anaerobes; and Eubacterium, Propionibacterium, Clostridium, Gemmiger, and Fusobacterium, which are all strict anaerobes (Salanitro, 1977)

The microflora is important because of its effect on the immune system and its effect on metabolism. The lining of the intestines is the largest exposed area of a chicken's body. It is important for the health of the bird that the microflora be in an appropriate balance (Yegani, 2008). The gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) performs some immune functions. Animals without microflora are more likely to have infections. Introducing microflora enables a humoral immune response, and also improves the cell mediated immune response (Cebra, 1999). An imbalance of microflora usually increases the nutrient requirements of chickens (Furuse, 1984). However, if the diet is high in fiber or if the birds are in feed withdrawal, the -microflora reduces the energy requirement (Muramatsu, 1994).

The types of microflora are controlled by what the birds are exposed to. One way to change what the birds are exposed to is through environmental management: Clean out and other sanitation methods are used to reduce exposure to pathogens (Hughes, 2005). However, these methods are not used to increase exposure to beneficial organisms. Another way to control or limit exposure is through feed additives, such as by using antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs), or by using probiotics & prebiotics (Yang, 2009).

Probiotics are becoming more common in poultry because of differing types of pathogens, development of resistance to AGPs, and consumer perceptions (Kabir, 2009). Probiotics are live microorganisms that are beneficial for an animal (Czerucka, 2007). They may include bacteria or yeast, and may work in different ways: First, by helping the immune system to fight infectious diseases or to reduce intestinal inflammation; second, by directly affecting other bacteria, including pathogens that are in the gut; or, third, by deactivating toxins and detoxifying the gut (Succol, 2010). Prebiotics are specialized plan fibres that supports the growth of good microflora in poultry GUT. Selective combination of probiotics & prebiotics provides a synergistic efficacy, collectively referred as SYNBIOTIC

Santik's Synbiotic offers the comprehensive GUT protection & performance with its synergistic combination of selected probiotic microbial strain in combination with its growth supporting prebiotic

Probiotic microbial strains

Lactobacillus sporogenes, Lactobacillus acidophilus & Lactobacillus plantarum:
The mentioned member of genus lactobacillus are heat stable, facultative anaerobic spore forming, gastric acid resistant strain of probiotic bacteria's, they reduces pathogenic bacteria colonization due to the production of coagulin , lactic acid and several other antimicrobial metabolites which have an antibacterial properties against harmful GUT microbes. Clinical trials using animal model research suggests that in feed Bacillus inclusion increases GUT immune response

subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis:
A gram positive, aerobic spore forming bacterial species which are heat & gastric acid resistant. Bacillus genus produces several antimicrobial metabolites in the Poultry GUT, which inhibit growth of harmful microbes, as well as lactic acid production by these bacteria supports the growth of Lactobacillus species to outnumber the harmful bacterial by beneficial bacterial population

Streptococcus faecium and Pediococcus:
Gram positive facultative anaerobic coccus, which inhibit the harmful microbial colonization in poultry GUT and as well produces antimicrobial metabolites to inhibit there multiplication.

Saccharomyces boulardiiand Saccharomycescereyisiae:
Gutsan's both the incorporated Saccharomyces species are very effective against common opportunistic intestinal pathogens like Clostridium difficile, a causative organism in antibiotic associated diarrhoea and pseudomembranous colitis, enterotoxigenic and haemorrhagic E. coli. Saccharomyces action provides protective environment in Poultry GUT, thereby supporting the development of beneficial microflora and inhibition of harmful effects of clostridium Saccharomyces helps in neutralization of certain bacterial toxins (Clostridia difficile, E.coff). They secrete Protease enzymes which inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and thus the beneficial flora i.e., lactic acid bacteria is increased. It also helps in maintaining mucosal integrity and the intestinal cells. Live yeasts have a documented efficacy on villi height and crypt depth, enhancing the assimilation of nutrients. S. boulardii helps in modulation of the immune system by stimulation of IgA response to pathogens

Aspergillus oryzae & Torulopsis:
Both the active contents positively affects nutrient digestion, cholesterol metabolism and maintenance of poultry GUT microflora along with reduction in ammonia gas production by supporting efficient dietary protein metabolism

FOS, Lactulose & MOS
These prebiotics are specialized plant fiber that beneficially nourishes the good bacteria already in Poultry GUT. While probiotics introduce good bacteria into the gut, prebiotics act as a fertilizer for the good bacteria that's already there. They help GUT good bacteria grow, improving the good-to-bad bacteria ratio. This ratio has been shown to have a direct correlation to overall productive performance of birds The poultry GUT itself does not digest these plant fibers. Instead, it uses these fibers to promote the growth of many of the good bacteria in it. These, in turn, provide many digestive and production benefits. These prebiotics are heat and gastric acid resistant & provide beneficial effects for multiplication of good GUT bacteria's

Immunity is complex physiological process of body defence & provision of essential nutrients for its optimum functioning are very much important for normal productive and reproductive performance of poultry flock

Selenium is an integral part of glutathione peroxidase (GSHPX), an enzyme essential for defense mechanism and plays a vital role in protecting cells from oxidative damage

Vit.E is an essential component of cell membranes & support to maintain the cell integrity and as well plays an important function of free radical scavenging activity

Each 10m1 contains
Vitamin E - 250mg
Selenium - 2.0mg
Biotin - 2.0mg
Vitamin B 12 - 2.5mg

Dosage :
Chicks - 50 m1/1000 chicks
Broiler/ Layer -100 ml / 1000 birds
Breeder - 200 ml / 1000 birds

• For immunity & protecting against various viral disease & coccidiosis
• To reduces leg weakness syndrome, ascites & sudden death syndrome
• Antioxidant defense mechanism of tissue and cell
• Protect from free radical attack
• For improved antibody titre and enhanced immune system
• Prevents early embryonic death, gizzard damage
• To improve the fertility and hatchability in breeders

Features : -
Vitamins & Electrolytes are added to combat all kinds of stress and prevent dehydration respectively
- Vitamins C acts an antioxidant
- Probiotic helps to improve gut health & prevents diarrhoea
- Dextrose Provides instant energy

- Helps Start Well & Prevents early chicks mortality
- Acts as a growth promoter with an advantage in body weight gain at first week broilers
- Helps Controlling vaccination stress
- Relieves disease stress as a nutritional supplement
- Relieve heat stress
- Improves egg production in layers

Powder form 1 kg
contains Vitamin A - 2550000 IU
Vitamin D 3 - 510000 IU
Vitamin E - 2.60 g
Vitamin K3 - 2.94 g
Vitamin B1 - 1.53 g
Vitamin B2 - 0.78 g
Vitamin B12 - 2.50 g
Vitamin C - 17.50 g
Potassium chloride - 8.75 g
Sodium chloride - 14.25 g
Lactic acid Bacillus - 5x109cfu
Dextrose monohydrate - 935.85 g
Carrier - q.s

Recommended usage
In drinking water : 1-2 gm / liter
In feed : 500 gm to 1 kg / tonne of feed or recommended by nutritionist

With each breath, the chicken's respiratory tract is exposed to the inside environment of a poultry house. Poor environments normally do not cause disease directly but they do reduce chickens' defences, making them more susceptible to existing viruses and pathogens. The air of poultry houses can contain aerosol particles or 'dust' originating from the floor litter, feed, dried manure, and the skin and feathers of the chickens. These aerosol particles can have a range of adverse effects on poultry. They act as an irritant to the respiratory system and coughing is a physiological response designed to remove them. Excessive coughing lowers the chicken's resistance to disease. The aerosol particles could as well be in a form of pathogenic agents i.e. bacteria/ viruses causing severe respiratory infection & inflammation Saniks solution for respiratory protection — Sanresp

Composition :
Essential Oils :- Concentration
• Eucalyptus globulus oil :- 16% v/v
• Mentha piperita extract:- 8% v/v
• Trachyspermum ammi extract :- 6% v/v
• Cinnamomum camphora extract :- 5% v/v
• Emulsifier aqueous base :- q.s.

Sanresp Compositional Benefits
Eucalyptus globulus: Has anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant,anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties
Mentha piperita: Has anti-bacterial and respiratory stimulant properties & is effective against stomach disorders
Tryachyspermum ammi:Has anti-septic and anti-fungal properties & supportive in gastro intestinal and respiratory disorder
Cinnamomum camphora: Has effect as respiratory stimulant & supportive efficacy for recovery from bronchitis

Method of Application :
Drinking Water Application : 1 ml/ 5 litre of drinking water for 12 hours of application at 7 -10 days interval Spray Application : 25 ml/ litre of water to be diluted in 5 litre of water for 1000 birds
Spray Application : 25 ml/ litre of water to be diluted in 5 litre of water for 1000 birds